Connect local SMEs and
service providers
HKPC Digital DIY Portal aims to match the local enterprises, especially SMEs, with suitable service providers and facilitate the local enterprises for implementing DX, open up new business opportunities, solve the own pain points and fusions of a lack of channels for DX information.
Digital DIY
-- a one-stop online platform with abundant DX information
Providing a novel way for enterprises, especially SMEs, to get connected with DX solution providers for low-cost and highly efficient solutions that match their needs; and provide the latest information on digital and innovation and technology (I&T) activities, and related training courses.

Digital DIY
-- Recognized as 'Outstanding One-stop Digital Transformation Solutions Platform'
Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC)’s DDIY Portal is honoured to be awarded the “Smart Living Partnership Awards 2022” (Outstanding One-stop Digital Transformation Solutions Platform) by Hong Kong ET Net. This prestigious award recognises DDIY Portal's ceaseless efforts to help local businesses identify digital transformation (DX) solutions.
Digital transformation has become increasingly important for businesses to increase workplace productivity, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). As HKPC's one-stop digital transformation platform, DDIY Portal aims to enable SMEs and individuals in Hong Kong to adopt innovation and technology, thereby boosting productivity and competitiveness. This award is a significant recognition of our efforts to promote digital transformation across industries.