訂閱WEBEX 的服務可享獲75折優惠
點止網上會議咁簡單? Webex擁有超過800項的創新技術,為用家帶來頂級線上會議及團體溝通體驗
身為企業家,您專注於第一時間將創新概念帶進市場。 透過一個使用方便且安全的通話、會議和傳訊應用程式,讓協作更加順暢有效。 透過 Webex,新興小型企業可隨時隨地強化關係,接觸更多客戶並且雇用最優秀的人才
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通過桌面應用程式WEBEX APP輕鬆安排線上會議或WEBINAR 一鍵加入會議與某人會面
整合式應用程式可以讓您使用 Webex 工作時更加得心應手。 如 Slido、Miro、Jira、Trello、Mural、Box 和 Salesforce 的應用程式可 提升工作效率,同時讓您和您的團隊保持連線並掌控一切
透過強大的降噪功能 背景噪音都不會影響你們的會議交流
Service Packages and Offerings
WEBEX 的服務75折優惠
訂閱WEBEX 的服務可享獲75折優惠
Service Packages and Offerings
於 www.webex.com登記, 訂閱WEBEX 的服務可享獲75折優惠
優惠期為 2022年6月3號至7月31號晚11:59分 (北美中部時間)
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Service packages and offerings are subject to dedicated terms and conditions, please contact the service providers directly for further details
透過 Webex,新興小型企業可隨時隨地強化關係,接觸更多客戶並且雇用最優秀的人才
Company Profile
Cisco helps seize the opportunities of tomorrow by proving that amazing things can happen when you connect the unconnected. An integral part of our DNA is creating long-lasting customer partnerships, working together to identify our customers' needs and provide solutions that fuel their success.
We have preserved this keen focus on solving business challenges since our founding in 1984. Len Bosack and wife Sandy Lerner, both working for Stanford University, wanted to email each other from their respective offices, but technological shortcomings did not allow such communication. A technology had to be invented to deal with disparate local area protocols, and as a result of solving their challenge, the multiprotocol router was born.