Cisco SASE Cloud Security

當全民做好防疫,保護至愛免受傷害 各位IT 專才,你已經準備好保護公司資產?要做好網絡保安,點少得Cisco SASE Cloud Security
為了幫助公司實現直接互聯網訪問,除了 DNS 層安全性和交互式威脅情報之外,Cisco Umbrella 現在還包括安全網頁安全閘道 (SWG)、防火牆和雲端存取資安代理 (CASB) 功能,以及與 Cisco SD-WAN 的集成,都輕鬆方便包括在單一雲端安全服務。


可靠、高性能的安全性 簡單、靈活、高效的管理

Service Packages and Offerings

Quotation on Demand

Cisco Umbrella DNS Security + Cisco Duo
選購三年,送額外三年服務 (條款及詳情如下)

Service Packages and Offerings

Cisco Umbrella DNS Security:
Cisco SASE 的核心,隨時隨地為身處開放的網絡世界的你,透過雲安全技術在DNS, Web Security, cloud firewall, web isolation, CASB 等等… 提供統一平台全方位防護,功效如同打咗三針疫苗

Cisco Duo:
Cisco Duo 如同安心出行App, 完成檢查/核證方可進入公司內聯網及各個系統

選購三年Cisco Umbrella DNS Security Essentials (25 users) 及
Cisco Duo MFA edition (25 users) 服務,送額外 5 users 三年服務

Learn more
Service packages and offerings are subject to dedicated terms and conditions, please contact the service providers directly for further details


為了幫助公司實現直接互聯網訪問,除了 DNS 層安全性和交互式威脅情報之外,Cisco Umbrella 現在還包括安全網頁安全閘道 (SWG)、防火牆和雲端存取資安代理 (CASB) 功能,以及與 Cisco SD-WAN 的集成,輕鬆方便包括在單一雲端安全服務。

Demo Video

Customer Cases


Company Profile
Cisco helps seize the opportunities of tomorrow by proving that amazing things can happen when you connect the unconnected. An integral part of our DNA is creating long-lasting customer partnerships, working together to identify our customers' needs and provide solutions that fuel their success. We have preserved this keen focus on solving business challenges since our founding in 1984. Len Bosack and wife Sandy Lerner, both working for Stanford University, wanted to email each other from their respective offices, but technological shortcomings did not allow such communication. A technology had to be invented to deal with disparate local area protocols, and as a result of solving their challenge, the multiprotocol router was born.

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Quotation on Demand

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Quotation on Demand

Cisco Systems (HK) Ltd

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Success Cases: 香港浸會大學