The Canon imageFORMULA DR-M260 is a high-performance document scanner meticulously designed to enhance productivity and maintain seamless workflows. It adeptly processes and flexibly handles a diverse array of documents, accommodating various lengths, sizes, and thicknesses—from business cards and passports to delicate order forms and delivery statements. Users can further streamline their scanning tasks with its Automatic Document Feeder, which can hold up to 80 sheets of varying sizes simultaneously, significantly boosting bulk-scanning efficiency. Additionally, the imageFORMULA DR-M260 features a cutting-edge image processing engine that minimizes uneven coloring, ensuring consistently high-quality scans. This compact scanner delivers exceptional quality without sacrificing speed, making it the ideal choice for document digitization.
Versatile document handling for varying lengths, sizes, and thicknesses
Systematic information categorization and storage with one-click scanning
Support multilingual OCR technology
Advanced image processing to guarantee high-quality output
Service Packages and Offerings
Supreme paper-handling reliability
Featuring intelligent self-revolving rollers, dual paper jam sensors, and flexible double feed support, enhancing document processing efficiency, meanwhile preventing shew and damage.
Versatile document handling
Flexibly accommodating various document types, including thin receipts, thick business card cards, passports, and long documents up to 5.5 m. Its Automatic Document Feeder allows simultaneous scanning of different sizes, enhancing productivity and flexibility for diverse scanning needs.
CaptureOnTouch Scan Software
CaptureOnTouch V4 software enhances scanning efficiency with a user-friendly GUI, one-click operations, and advanced sorting and saving functions. It supports automatic archiving via barcodes, intelligent folder creation, and customizable file naming, streamlining document management and accelerating digitalization.
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Company Profile
佳能總公司(TSE:7751 / NYSE:CAJ)於1937年於日本創立,其前身東京精機光學研究所於1934年生產日本首部35mm焦平面快門相機Kwanon。佳能總公司成立後,將業務推廣至打印機及影印機,並先後於1970年推出日本首台影印機NP-1100,及1985年推出全球第一部噴墨打印機BJ-80。佳能在生產和研發光學影像產品方面累積了數十年豐富經驗,不斷帶領業界開發突破性產品,成為業內擁有最多光學影像專利的科技公司,同時持續推動攝影文化,並作出卓越的貢獻。時至今日,佳能業務遍佈全球,在影像產品、辦公產品以及工業產品等領域均佔有重要位置。截至2022年12月31日,佳能總公司的全球營業總額高達303.1億美元。
佳能香港有限公司(下稱「佳能香港」)於1971年成立,是佳能總公司在亞洲最早成立的海外辦事處。佳能香港為香港及澳門的客戶提供全方位影像方案,包括影像產品及方案的銷售、市場推廣及售後服務等,並於2018年成立全資子公司佳能商務科技(廣東)有限公司,為粵港澳大灣區企業提供全面智能化商業方案和專業服務。除銷售業務外,佳能香港致力實踐佳能的企業理念「共生」(Kyosei),積極推動及參與多項公益慈善及環保活動。此外,佳能香港實行國際公認的管理體系,獲得ISO 9001、ISO 14001、ISO 45001及ISO 27001(佳能數碼製作中心)認證。
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