Curtain LogTrace - File Activity Logging Solution【FREE】

Keep a thorough record of all file usage activities, help you spot unexpected usage and take preventative measures!
HKITF Excellence I&T Company Award 2023
Global Security Challenge (Asia) Finalist
SolidWorks Certified Solution Partner
HKMOB – Hong Kong's Most Outstanding Business Awards 2020
1-on-1 Consultation
Curtain LogTrace - keeps a thorough log of user file activities - including File creation, Copying, Moving, Renaming, Deleting, Printing, and inserting and removing USB devices - that complements the shortcomings of operating system default logging, and also makes it easier for administrators to monitor and manage document-related operations, helps to ensure that 1) the business complies with internal audit requirements and data security guidelines. 2) keeping an eye on, recognizing, and recording anomalous user behavior 3) sending out notifications, enabling management to respond quickly to protect company data, and supporting the early discovery and remediation of potential security incidents.


Keep a thorough log of user file activities
Track and detect abnormal user behavior and document activity, making early warnings
Help ensure that the company complies with internal audit requirements and data security guidelines
Keep and centralize log records, easier for records management and generating different reports
Help management detect and mitigate potential security incidents early
*Free version available for commercial use

Service Packages and Offerings

Curtain LogTrace - File Activity Logging Solution【FREE】
Curtain LogTrace - File Activity Logging Solution【FREE】

Service Packages and Offerings

Curtain LogTrace is a shareware that you can download it to use for Free. (includes file activities, like Create a New file, Copy, Move and Delete

If you would like to record a wider range of file activities, including file Rename, Print, Save, Save as, and also some other Application logs, like Open and Close; our paid version offers these complete solutions for you. 

Please visit us at for more information. 

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Service packages and offerings are subject to dedicated terms and conditions, please contact the service providers directly for further details


Curtain LogTrace - keeps and tracks a thorough log of user file activities - including File creation, Copying, Moving, Renaming, Deleting, Printing, and inserting and removing USB devices - that complements the shortcomings of operating system default logging, and also makes it easier for administrators to monitor and manage document-related operations, helps, :

1) the business complies with internal audit requirements and data security guidelines;

2) keeping an eye on, recognizing, and recording anomalous user behavior;

3) sending out notifications, enabling management to respond quickly to protect company data, and supporting the early discovery and remediation of potential security incidents.

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Solution Client

Company Profile
雁飛科技有限公司 創立於2001年,並正式於2002年成立。雁飛科技於亞州區是資料權限管理方案的領導者,雁飛科技的資料權限管理方案(即Curtain e-locker易鎖)幫助企業防止機密資料被不正當的使用,帶走和傳遞。 Curtain e-locker(易鎖)是一套完善的資料權限管理解決方案,它可以有效防止不授權員工用任何渠道將資料帶走。實施Curtain e-locker後,企業可以容許授權員工正常使用敏感資料,同時,企業可以完全防止員工在使用資料時將資料帶走。 Coworkshop Solutions Ltd was started in 2001 and has been officially established since 2002. Coworkshop is a leading provider of DLP – Data Loss Prevention solutions in the Asia Pacific region. Coworkshop’s DLP solutions (i.e. Curtain e-locker) enable organizations to protect information from unauthorized retrieval, use and transmission.

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