無障礙網頁設計及開發 Accessibile Web Design & Development

Create a visually engaging, user-friendly website that aligns with the brand, engages the target audience, and achieves business objectives.
Award winning web design
1-on-1 Consultation
FreeComm's website development solution, including UX/UI design, development, content creation, and web accessibility.


Enhanced Online Presence, Improved User Experience, Increased Business Reach and Conversion
Accessibility Web Award
Gurantee Gold Award in the Digital Accessibility Recognition Scheme

Service Packages and Offerings


Our website development solution offers a comprehensive and tailored approach to creating a powerful online presence for your business. We understand the importance of a visually appealing, user-friendly, and functional website that effectively communicates your brand message and engages your target audience.

By choosing our website development solution, you can expect a visually stunning, user-friendly, and high-performing website that effectively represents your brand, engages your target audience, and drives tangible results for your business.

Customer Cases

Company Profile
Freedom Communications Limited, FreeComm is an award-winning web solutions provider based in Hong Kong. Founded in 1997 it has been constantly growing and excelling in the services it provides. We take great pride in introducing our wide range of services, including e-commerce, CRM for NGOs, XiaoHongShu and many more, all are tailored to meet clients' unique requirements. Our utmost priority is to ensure that we deliver exceptional results within the designated project timeline and budget. 自由策劃有限公司成立於一九九七年,提供專業的網頁設計及程式開發服務。曾獲無數獎項。我們深明包 裝對於建立客戶的形象尤其重要。故此,多年來本公司不斷尋求網路的新知識及技術,以創意無限的設計意念配合敏銳的市場觸覺,滿足貴公司需要,提供最專業的網站及程式開發服務。 我們的客戶範圍廣泛,包括國際企業、上市公司、政府部門、公共服務團體及非牟利機構等。

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