Altair Eats - Restaurant Management System

All-in-one POS and restaurant management solution to maximize profits, simplify operation and earn customer satisfaction
Technology Voucher Programme Service Provider
1-on-1 Consultation
Altair Eats is a comprehensive Restaurant Management System designed to empower all kinds of eatery including small-scale restaurant, cafes, chain restaurant, F&B groups, to maximize service quality and revenue growth. The system links up functions to optimize dine-in and takeaway order processing, manage menus, foster business insight with a diverse range of reports, enable fast and reliable payment procedure and cultivate customer loyalty - all on one platform.


Self-order with mobile device (QR code): Reduce manpower and cost
Manage complex menus: High flexbility, support varied selection of food
Membership Reward System: Gain comprehensive member insight to boost customer retention
Instant Access to Reports: Comprehensive store performance analytics on web & mobile
Diversify business income: Integrated with food delivery platform and support multiple ordering channels
Easy-to-use interface: Employees can start using the system immediately
Monthly Subscription Plan: Use upon purchase, get your store running with minimal hardware

Service Packages and Offerings

Exclusive Freebie
Free Consultation

Service Packages and Offerings

Get in touch with us for a professional 1-to-1 free consultation.

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Service packages and offerings are subject to dedicated terms and conditions, please contact the service providers directly for further details






Company Profile
BEX Solutions Limited 滙智系統成立超過10年,我們致力於應用最新技術,專注於各種雲系統和手機應用的開發,充分利用個人智能手機和後端雲系統的融合,幫助企業提高管理品質和運營效率,從而增強競爭力,脫穎而出! 我們的專業團隊擁有多年的軟件開發經驗,充分了解用戶的需求和期望,也掌握系統順利開發和成功實施的關鍵要素。我們不斷提供和開發有效、穩定、可靠的企業管理系統。我們的主要產品包括MIZAR外勸工作管理系統、ESIA數碼工程監督系統、HRM人力資管理源系統、MATEX電子採購管理系統、COO批發零售進銷存管理系統、STAX盤點系統等,協助不同行業的企業快速發展,升級改造!科技每天都在進步,我們不斷學習、開發新技術,再開發新的應用,讓大家每天都共同進步!

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