LOOPSHOP - 全功能直播短片網店系統

1-on-1 Consultation
傳統網站只用相片介紹並唔足夠 未來電商平台趨勢 適合所以需要數碼轉型的中小企,把握新時代的紅利 LOOPSHOP係一個全功能直播短片網店系統 提供一站式直播落單、支付及物流的電商方案


手機一鍵拍片直播系統- 互動爆單, 賺取新零售時代紅利
手機輕鬆網店管理 - 隨時隨地管理訂單, 收錢及出貨
獨家網店執貨系統 - 節省90%執貨時間
自動化物流智能系統 -減少大量人手處理出貨
同步直播至社交平台 - 多平台對接, 加快吸客


Service Packages and Offerings



Loopshop is a powerful finger tip v commerce system , Supoort online seller to grasp the future of retail 

E commerce is product found  in last two decades , it is no doubt that v commerce is the main stream in the next 10 years 

Over 95% online sellers are still using Web 1.0 eshop , displaying photos and text , some are adopting video format selling on social media platform and video content platforms unfortunately, lacking of sales management cause tremendous waste of time and resources to manage their product listing , payment and after sales. 

They need a all-rounded abd powerful shoppable video systen to support product & video management , video content creations , order management and automation logistic by simply using their smart phone , enable them to sell anywhere and anytime 

This V commerce system is affordable at price just 1/3 of traditional eshop , support them to grasp the trend of new retail in minutes . 

Loopshop system is now ready opening for subscription, and There are over 600k eshop in hk , we target to get 30k online sellers subscription within 2 years 

We create we build a video shop in minutes , boost your sales is easy.


Solution Client