
1-on-1 Consultation
一套全面的CRM系統,適用於不同規模的企業。協助跨部門合作及提高業務效率,使數據能在不同的環境中收集、整合和自動化。 Efficy CRM is an intuitive suite of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software solutions for SMEs and enterprises. The platform collects, organises, automates, and synchronises data within an organisation across business systems and processes to improve collaborations and enhance business efficiency.


超過150種功能 Over 150 features
易於使用 Easy to use
完全可自訂 Fully customisable
360度客戶視圖 360-degree view of customers
可靠的數據存儲 Reliable data storage
實時協作 Real-time collaboration

Service Packages and Offerings


可適應的解決方案  Adaptable solution

根據您的業務需求和用戶配置輕鬆適應您的 CRM 界面和功能。使用無縫的附加組件、集成和相關小部件進一步自定義您的解決方案。

Easily adapt your CRM interface and features based on your business’ needs and user profiles. Further customise your solution with seamless add-ons, integrations, and relevant widgets.

數據質量和可視化  Data quality & visualisation

使用高度準確、安全和 GDPR 兼容的數據自信地成長。使用一個平台輕鬆查看所有連接的數據,一目了然並易於搜索,快速了解您的所有運作部分並做出更明智的決策。

Grow confidently with highly-accurate, secure, and GDPR-compliant data. Quickly understand your moving parts and make smarter decisions with all your data connected, viewable at-a-glance, and easily searchable within a single platform.

自動化工作流程  Automated workflows


Save hours each week, do more with your resources, and let your business flow with automation. Create automated workflows triggered by events or manually with low-code to make all users more efficient.

多視圖布局  Multi-view layouts

輕鬆查看以多種視圖呈現的 KPI 和其他數字。從看板到地圖、列表或儀表板,平滑地切換以獲得您數據的整體視角。

Easily see your KPIs and other numbers presented in multiple views. Switch smoothly from Kanban to map, list, or dashboard to get a big picture perspective of your data.

客戶時間軸  Customer timeline


Streamline marketing to sales to support with a synced view of all customer interactions. The timeline helps you to better understand and act on each customer’s lifecycle.

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Customer Testimonials

Company Profile
Efficy is a leading European Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution that provides businesses of all sizes with complete, flexible, customisable and scalable software to enable their growth. Efficy's platform includes products for marketing automation, sales, project management, customer service and customer nurturing. Currently, more than 300,000 users from 60 countries use Efficy’s tool. Founded in 2005 and headquartered in Brussels, Efficy's more than 500 employees work in local offices in Belgium, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Hong Kong or remotely. Efficy's mission is to contribute to the success of every company by helping them transform customer data into customer insight while simplifying the work of their employees. Efficy 是一家歐洲領先的客戶關係管理(CRM)解決方案公司,為各類企業提供完整、靈活、可定製和可擴展的軟件,以推動他們的發展。Efficy 的平台包括市場營銷自動化、銷售、項目管理、客戶服務和客戶關系培養的產品。目前,有超過 300,000 用戶來自 60 個國家使用 Efficy 的工具。 Efficy 成立於 2005 年,總部位於布魯塞爾,有超過 500 名員工,分佈在比利時、法國、西班牙、荷蘭、瑞典、丹麥、芬蘭、挪威、香港等地。 Efficy 的使命是幫助企業建立可持續和有價值的客戶關係,並簡化其員工的工作,為每家公司提高業務效率。