WordPress Professional Customized Webite Development

A tailor-made web design which delivers the core values and strengths of your brand to potential customers.
A tailor-made customized website can efficiently deliver the core values of your brand to your potential customers, and convey them to your loyal customers. digiEasy provides a web development plan, designing and developing a website with a great user experience in accordance with the needs of your brand. We provide one-stop service that increases customer conversation rates as easy as pie.


Attract potential customers and achieve inbound marketing
Tailor-made for the branding
A powerful team with competencies in handling various web development needs
Convenient and timesaving one-stop service

Service Packages and Offerings

WordPress Website Development Template
Provide customized WordPress website design and development services

Service Packages and Offerings

Develop a personalized website for your brand based on templates in WordPress, services include:

  • Accessible web development
  • Responsive web design
  • Web hosting and Cloud Solutions
  • Training and web backend user guide
  • 1: 1 Technical support
Learn more
Service packages and offerings are subject to dedicated terms and conditions, please contact the service providers directly for further details
WordPress wooCommerce Online Store Website Development
Provide customized WordPress wooCommerce online store website design and development services

Service Packages and Offerings

Developing a customized website for your online store with WordPress wooCommerce, services include:

  • Accessible web development
  • Responsive web design
  • Web hosting and Cloud Solutions
  • Online payment system
  • Website security maintenance
  • Training and web backend user guide
  • 1:1 Technical support
Learn more
Service packages and offerings are subject to dedicated terms and conditions, please contact the service providers directly for further details


WordPress Website Development Services

  • Customized website design
  • Accessible web development
  • Responsive web design
  • Web hosting and Cloud Solutions
  • Training and web backend user guide
  • 1: 1 Technical support

Solution Client

Customer Testimonials

With the establishment of website, customer conversation rates increased significantly.
The customized website design in line with the brand image perfectly, deserves the title of “tailor-made”.
One-stop services eliminates the complicated communication process, which makes the website development work out much better.

Company Profile
digiEasy是一家於香港創立,走在行業尖端的數碼營銷策劃公司。 我們一直致力於協助香港各界客戶實現數碼轉型,以專業的知識、豐富的經驗和勇於創新的態度提供一站式全方位的數據導向解決方案。 身處電子數碼年代,消費者到實體店或於網上購物前,最常接觸到由網站、電郵、社交平台等數碼行銷渠道發放的資訊,其宣傳成效及投資回報率超越傳統廣告,是做好品牌市場推廣的兵家必爭之地。數碼行銷的核心是數據, 以數據驅動的市場行銷策略能夠讓企業深入了解潛在與現存客戶的需要,繼而建立個性化的市場推廣活動,務求面向對的人在對的時間發放對的訊息,以增加品牌與客戶的互動,提升轉換率及行銷支出的投資回報率。在這個瞬息萬變、競爭激烈的香港商業環境,完整的數碼轉型正是助您站得更前、提升競爭力的重要一步。

Other solution from this provider

digiEasy Company Limited

Marketing Automation/Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

This program allows companies to nurture prospects (RIGHT PEOPLE) with highly personalized, useful content (RIGHT CONTENT) in the touchpoints that the users engaged (RIGHT CHANNEL) that helps convert these prospects to delighted customers.



digiEasy Company Limited

Online Booking Management System (BookingEasy)

A tailor-made online booking system in business usage that not only save the manpower cost, but also give the customer a high-quality experience.



